Flour+Water! Focaccia! Crispy, bubbly Roman pizza🍕 without yeast.

Crunch without yeast. Crispy 2 Ingredient Roman Pizza! Just flour and water. Here is a simple recipe for the crispiest and most delicious focaccia pizza! Dough that comes together in a minute and without yeast, just 2 ingredients for a homemade snack, ready in an instant! Dough: Flour - 300 gr. Olive oil - 30 gr. (2 tbsp) Water - 150 ml Salt - 10 gr. (1 heaped tsp) For the top: Olive oil Rosemary Coarse salt Add salt and oil to the flour in a bowl, stir, add water and knead into a smooth dough. Let it sit covered for 15 minutes. 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 ХРУСТИТЕ БЕЗ ДРОЖЖЕЙ. Хрустящая римская пицца из 2 ингредиентов! Просто мука и вода. Вот простой рецепт самой хрустящей и вкусной пиццы фокачча! Тесто, которое готовится за минуту и без дрожжей, всего лишь 2 ингредиента для домашней закуски, готово в одно мгновение
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