Bodyweight Lat Exercise (THE HUMAN PULLOVER!)

Build serious muscle without weights - Subscribe to this channel here - If you are training without equipment, finding a good bodyweight lat exercise can be difficult to pull off. This is because most good back exercises require things such as dumbbells or pullup bars. Not this one. This bodyweight back exercise makes a great addition to any home back workout and can be made easier or more difficult depending on your ability level. To begin, it is helpful to look at the mechanics of the dumbbell equivalent of this exercise, the dumbbell pullover. Here you can see that the arms will move on a fixed torso. With the dumbbell positioned over your chest, you move it back over your head and keep your trunk and torso in place on the bench or on the ground as I demonstrate in the clip. The shoulder joint is moving from flexion into extension and adduction. Of course, the shoulder never gets into true extension behind the torso, but it is the act of extension fro
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