Tchaikovsky Liturgy

P. I. Tchaikovsky Liturgy Балкантон ВХА 534 Bulgaria, 1970 00:00 Gospodi Pomiluy 02:11 Heruvimska 11:28 Yako Da Tsarya 12:54 Veruyu 16:49 Milost Mira 19:13 Tebé Poem 23:46 Dostoino Est 26:25 Otche Nash 29:51 Polielei 35:22 Hvalite Imya Gospodne 38:02 End of file Recorded at Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Sofia, Bulgaria The mixed choir is conducted by Dimiter Rouskov The record contains parts of Tchaikovsky’s Liturgy sung by a mixed Bulgarian choir. -------------------- TTT is based on the Floating Tangential Tonearm - a licensed invention of Mr. Nicolay Ivanov. The license document: . More details: -------------------- A number of TTT features: Platter • Wow: typically within - 0,05 % • Speed accuracy: typically within ± 0.1 % • Rumble, estimated Unweighted:
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