No. 6 of the The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (Литургия святого Иоанна Златоуста), Op. 41, composed in 1878.
Performers : The USSR Ministry Of Culture Chamber Choir (Министерства культуры СССР Камерного хора)
Conductor : Valery Polyansky
Cherubikon ; Херуви́мская песнь :
Иже херувимы тайно образующе и Животворящей Троице Трисвятую песнь припевающе, всякое ныне житейское отложим попечение.
After transliteration :
Izhe kheruvimi tayno obrazuyushche e Zhivotvoryashchey Troitze Tristvyatuyu pesn pripievayushche, vsyakoe ninye zhiteyskoe otlozhim popecheniye.
English translation :
[We], who mystically representing the cherubim and singing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-creating Trinity, let us now lay aside every worldly care so that we may raise up the king of all who is invisibly borne aloft by the angelic orders Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.