「ロックマンX4」Rockman X4, X’s Side Playthrough (JAP, ENG SUB) — Part 0, Sky Lagoon - Eregion
Jazzy doesn’t know how to count.
So, why the heck I decided to start another playthrough? Simple - someone pointed out one interesting fact about this game’s opening, I cried and was constantly in a state of really wanting to experience this game for real, forgetting my promise to beat everything in the right order after X8 will be done uploading. This game just seems like the most mature in this series, something that even my favorites, X7 and X8, weren’t able to do. I can’t explain it, but X4 just feels so special.
This video better not get blocked because of the opening, I don’t want to dirch it like I did with X8.
X4’s opening, no matter which version of it plays (localized, the Repliforce salute censored or original) is the only moment in the game where everyone is happy, alive and well: Zero and Colonel are the friendly rivals, Iris is happy and smiling, Double is a little chubby friend... Only X here seems to be really serious, but this game isn’t really about him. It’s probably the best, the happiest ending for every each of them which Sigma has taken away from everyone. It’s all downhill from here and Zero’s Side is just a rollercoaster of emotions near the end, but in order to learn how the conflict in general went, we need to beat this game as X first. Then we will be able to look at Zero’s personal story and struggles, which ultimately left him being scard for the life, not being able to forget such event until his ultimate death.
This isn’t my translation (keekiyasan did it: ), so you won’t see Russian language options here. Sorry, folks.
(Перевод не мой, но я поиграла в испорченный телефон и перевела. Спешл фор ю, гайз)
It all starts when Sigma visits the General of Repliforce - General. Yes, it’s actually his name. At one point even Colonel calls him like that which is hilarious, I’m sorry). Our grim reaper tells him how Irregular Hunters are the slaves of the humankind that kill innocent Repliroids because humans deemed them “irregular“. He mentions that General can be their next victim if he won’t do anything with the Hunters or humans. General is silent throughout that speech. I have no idea why the heck localization team was thinking about when they made him said “perhaps“. That changes the character that only has been introduced (something like that happened with Axl, although he had dialogue in the original when localization messed up). This entire franchise is a “How To Translate Games for Dummies“. It has both good and God awful translation decisions and after all these years it’s still not ideal at all, but it’s more bearable, at least.
Alright, so General says to “the mysterious man“ to get lost because, like hell he would kill more innocents... I guess Red actually was in the Reapliforce and had learned a thing or two from General.
But then Sigma goes away, stating that General will pay for this decision.
Sometime after, there’s an Irregular attack on Sky Lagoon - a city in the sky that hovers above another city with lots of innocent people. Those Irregulars are believed to be from Repliforce. X and Zero go on the mission to stop the Irregulars before it’s too late. We play as X, so I’ll continue one telling X’s story.
So, a giant Mechaniloid, Eregion, crushes everything around him and there’s also a lot of Repliforce soldiers wondering around, shooting at our blue hunter (those chubby things with small pistols are from Repliforce, yes). Not a good sign, as it means that believe was true.
X meets up with Magmard Dragoon - the member of 14th Special Unit that tells about why everything is exploading and that the Sky Lagoon starts to lose the attitube. He will eventually betray the Hunters, but until then, he’s not an enemy to us.
But the Sky Lagoon falls down and destroys the city underneath. A lot of innocent people get killed, we just don’t really see it. That’s also my first playthrough of X4 ever, so don’t question the fact I’m acting like a dummy in this section.
Then Eregion lands on the ground and X quickly finishes it off. But another member of the Repliforce appears - Colonel. X says that what Repliforce did, even if it was accidental, is no good and Colonel needs to drop his weapons along the rest of the organisation if they don’t want to be deemed Irregular. Colonel, being a die-hard warrior that protects his country, says that Repliforce does not care how Irregular Hunters will call then, and retrives.
General, after this incident, has his speech at the Memorial Hall that basically is a declaration of war against Irregular Hunters.
Back at the Irregular Hunters’ base, X meets up with a new hunter named Double - a chubby yellow man who tries his best to be polite and that calls X “senpai“. He becomes X’s Navigator.
And then... Stage Select.
I have no place to continue writing.
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