International Poultry Show (1963)

Item title reads - International Poultry Show. Olympia, London. Various shots of The Poultry Show at Olympia. C/U cockerel in cage. C/U two men holding Ancora birds. C/U of white Wyandotte. Various shots as man takes ’Brown Cocktail’ cockerel from cage. Various shots of man examining a modern Birchim. M/S of the show. C/U’s a crested drake. C/U Polish Bantam. C/U Polish White Crested Black. L/S man with long hair and a feather in his hat examining birds. C/U cockerel looking back at him. C/U of the man. M/S very big live turkey standing on weighing scales. C/U scales registering forty six and half lbs. C/U goose. Various shots 1st prize winning goose. Various shots of the second bird, a gander. C/U sign ’Heaviest Turkey Competition’. C/U pan as turkey is put on scales. M/S weight being marked up. Various shots as heavy turkeys are put on the scales, the heaviest weighs 60lbs, 13 ozs. M/S as the Silcock Trophy is presented to Hugh Arnold by weightlifter Michael Pearman. M/S people watching. M/S a
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