12 Squat Prep

It’s hard to see what is happening at the feet when we are always wearing shoes. I sometimes think orthotics (though often beneficial in the right situation) and shoes sometimes cause more problems than they make out to prevent. Now i’m not saying to drop shoes and orthotics all together. That would be a terrible idea, but being aware of what your feet are doing during your exercise routine and progressively building up those intrinsic foot muscles can make a big difference in the way you move. Take the squat for example. Often times if we implement the short-foot concept (see previous post) and activate those arches we can correct a lot of what is going on further up the chain. Try this 12 squat prep to work all the muscles in the feet in a functional manner. Notice how when done properly your knees can no longer pass the toes and now your glute is firing more. Magic! Perform each of the 12 squat variations for 3-5 reps before you start your workout and reap the benefit
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