“Patient #249“ (EEG Recording)

In 1977 Scarfolk Clinic conducted sleep experiments on a local boy known only as ’Patient #249’. He suffered from severe nightmares and developed a rare condition known as ’manifest hypnagogia’. Symptoms include the physical manifestation of hallucinations that sufferers endure between sleep and waking states. For example, Patient #249 frequently awoke to find, sitting on the end of his bed, a syphilitic, deformed Victorian clown eating trifle and pig’s liver pâté. At other times, a confused sewing machine salesman from the Midlands would appear. Patient #249’s parents found this inconvenient. Doctors observed Patient #249 at home and wired his brain to an EEG, which they attached to a Bontempi electric keyboard. They wanted to record what Patient #249’s brain was doing and translate it into music. In the recording you’ll hear the TV in the background before Patient #249’s unconscious brain takes over and he slips into a hypnagogic state.
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