Magic Arena | Temur Mill | Deck Tech and Gameplay
4 Psychic Corrosion (M19) 68
4 Chart a Course (XLN) 48
4 Tormenting Voice (AKH) 151
3 Cathartic Reunion (KLD) 109
4 Sweltering Suns (AKH) 149
3 Hour of Devastation (HOU) 97
2 Patient Rebuilding (M19) 67
4 Haze of Pollen (AKH) 171
2 Disallow (AER) 31
3 Blink of an Eye (DAR) 46
1 Scavenger Grounds (HOU) 182
1 Botanical Sanctum (KLD) 244
1 Hinterland Harbor (DAR) 240
4 Rootbound Crag (XLN) 256
2 Sheltered Thicket (AKH) 248
1 Spirebluff Canal (KLD) 249
4 Sulfur Falls (DAR) 247
6 Island (M19) 268
3 Mountain (DAR) 265
4 Ipnu Rivulet (HOU) 180
4 Negate (RIX) 44
1 Jace’s Defeat (HOU) 38
1 Chandra’s Defeat (HOU) 86
4 Root Snare (M19) 199
1 Sentinel Totem (XLN) 245
3 Naturalize (RIX) 139
1 Deep Freeze (DAR) 50