In this poker video PokerCoaching coach Alex ‘Assassinato’ Fitzgerald walks you through 3 common mistakes he sees in online cash games and teaches you exactly how to avoid making them!
Alex uses a very unique approach to his coaching as he gives you real life examples and then quizzes you as to what you believe the best move to be. After a few seconds you will find out exactly what Alex would do and why. A great tool to compare your own thoughts and processes to a poker professional.
One of the biggest mistakes that Alex sees his poker students make is open limping preflop. Often you will face a raise and then face continued aggression on a board that you will be missing 67% of the time. Take the initiative and strengthen your range by raising preflop.
Alex states that you are going to be facing a lot of loose & aggressive players in these low stakes online cash games so you must be prepared for that. They will often find spots to triple barrel that they shouldn’t so you need to find slightly weaker hands to call with when facing these types of opponents.
He also discusses how a good fundamental strategy is to generally play the opposite style of your particular opponents. For example, if your opponent is known to be a calling station then you should be on the tighter side and not look to bluff them too often.
Playing too many hands from early position is a great way to lose a ton of money in online cash games. Some players like to limp their small pairs and suited-gappers from early position. This is generally a losing play and it would be better to raise or fold with those particular hands.
When you’re starting to play online cash games, you should strive to play tighter from early position. When you open with so many players to act behind you it is likely that someone has picked up a solid hand. If they 3-bet you then they have put you in a disadvantageous spot as you will now generally be out of position against them postflop.
If you call out of position, you’re only trying to save the big blinds that you’ve already put in the pot. It will be massively difficult to make a profit from out of position.
The best way to neutralize your opponent’s position advantage when they 3-bet you is to catch them with solid hands. If you open with AQ or 88 and they decide to 3-bet you then you will still be able to make money from them. These poker hands flop well and allow you to win more pots.
If no one is 3-betting at your table then you can open up your game. However, if people at your table are constantly re-raising you then either find another table or tighten up your opening ranges.
The big blind flatter has called you out of position with a wide range. They have hit the flop poorly almost always. They will mostly have high cards or mediocre pairs the vast majority of the time, the last thing this player wants to see is you betting into them as they will often just have to give up. Disappoint players, introduce them to several bets. Try to go for three streets at every good opportunity. You’re not value betting enough until you accidentally value bet the second best hand!
The entire point of poker is to capture the other player’s chips. The biggest bets in No Limit Hold’em are river bets. You can’t win a river bet from another player with a bluff. You’ll need to value bet them!
Online cash games are great fun and if you do not make these 3 mistakes then they will be even more enjoyable! Just remember to play your big pots in position and value bet thinly vs wide big blind calling ranges. Don’t get too out of line when you’re out of position or likely to be out of position in a hand. Position is power in poker!
If you’re forced to play out of position then have a clear plan of attack before you start calling huge bets on later streets. Follow all of these tips and stop making these 3 mistakes in online cash games and you will be sure to win more!
0:00 - 3 Mistakes To Avoid In Online Cash Games
0:09 - STOP Liming Preflop!
1:57 - When To Make A Light River Call
5:14 - Finding Thin Value Bets
8:56 - Online Cash Games
9:17 - Calling Down Without A Plan
11:24 - Playing Too Many Hands From Early Position
13:37 - Not Value Betting Enough
15:11 - Summary
On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!
In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.
Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?
#pokerstrategy #cashgames #pokeradvice
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