TriplePung. Game 27 (81) (Bern, 4 deals). Two “pure straights“.

In the first two deals I collected “pure straights“ (the first one -- with “half-flush“, the second -- with “last tile“) and remained at the first place. Take a look at the third deal -- the opposite player was very lucky to rob a kong. I doubt though that he was planning it really, because he has a white belt, and his hand became occasionally ready for that tile. Otherwise he had not enough points to take that “4 Craks“ from discard (but could win with it from the wall: “last tile“ “no honors“ “one voided suit“ “pung of terminals or honors“ “self-drawn“). Mahjong is a generous game while it allows to win even with such a hand. “TriplePung“ is a student player created for learning MCR by Peter Manyakhin - MCR champion of Russia-2018. While TriplePung received one black stripe on his brown belt, i.e. he reached the rating of 100, there will be another student to develop. Useful links
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