TriplePung. Game 10 (64) (Bern, 4 deals). A very long last deal with making the 1st place.

I won the 2nd deal with “half-flush“, and before the last deal I was at the 2nd place. I managed to collect “all types“ with “one concealed and one melded kongs“, but it was ready in the very end. What does it show? Try not to give up till the end, because fortune may show itself at any moment. “TriplePung“ is a student player created for learning MCR by Peter Manyakhin - MCR champion of Russia-2018. Useful links: MahjongTime portal - MahjongSoft portal - MCR rules at EMA - MCR Practicum (ready hands problems), the latest version (link to a Google Drive folder) - On any questions please contact me via e-mail @
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