Opus Dei and Operation Gladio - “An Unholy Alliance“ | Opus Dei Deep Dive

This video took quite a bit of work and quite a bit of reading. There is a ton of information pertaining just to Operation Gladio, the NATO stay-behind operation that ultimately went off the rails. Finding information about Opus Dei’s involvement was tricky- but it’s all out there, if you know where to look. This video is a representation of my opinion, based off of the research I have done, and the individuals I have talked to. This deep dive series originally lived on my main channel, but in an effort to streamline my content, I have moved it here, where all future deep dive content will be hosted. References: Opus Dei and Operation Gladio (podcast): The Court of God: How a Catholic Secret Society Took Over SCOTUS: WHO MAY HAVE BEEN BEHIND THE ABDICATION OF POPE BENE
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