China Overtakes US in Chip War!

The US and China have been rivals across various domains, from sports and the Olympics to manufacturing and the quest for global supremacy. This time, the competition has moved to a much smaller yet critically important battlefield: the realm of chips and semiconductor technology. This area is pivotal for the advancement of modern technologies and has become the latest focal point of their ongoing strategic contest. The semiconductor industry holds a crucial place in our world, shaping the fabric of our daily lives, the economy, and the future of technology. Semiconductors, or chips, are the hidden intellect inside virtually all modern electronic devices we rely on every day. From the moment you check your smartphone in the morning, which could contain up to 100 different chips, to the car you drive, which now includes advanced driver-assistance systems reliant on semiconductors for safer and more efficient operation, these tiny components are indispensable. Furthermore, semiconductors are at the heart of breakthroughs in technology. They are essential for the development of cutting-edge innovations such as artificial intelligence, which is transforming industries from healthcare to entertainment, electric vehicles that are setting the course for a more sustainable future, and renewable energy systems that promise cleaner energy alternatives. In this video, we’ll explore the Chips war between the US and China and examining the role of BRICS nations in this crucial sector for the current century.
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