Celebrating Imbolc

Find me at Facebook and on instagram You can purchase my books, The Weed Handbooks Volumes 1 and 2 from my website or from Etsy, If you would like to help me plant more trees and shrubs, If you would like to do one of my courses I have two available on Udemy, and this one, Imbolc celebrates the beginning of Spring here in Ireland. It is one of the eight Fire Festivals and lets us know that the Light has returned and is growing stronger. Already, here in the west of Ireland there is a long stretch in the evenings. The days are getting longer and I am keen to get back outside and work in my garden. How do you celebrate the beginning of Spring? Let me know in the comments below. The music was composed and performed by my husband Lol Hardiman and this is his website Thank you for watching. Blessings to you and yours.
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