Music For Ostara & Spring Ambience / Sounds

Enjoy video loops, pictures and binaural sounds of the beginning of Spring: birds singing, a forest stream, a flower covered meadow and a spring rain storm, all accompanied by songs which share this common theme. 🌲 Though there may still be a slight chill in the air, we can just look to the sky and to the earth to see the signs of life returning. The smell of Spring is in the air and Brighid’s promise at Imbolc is being fulfilled. Warmer and longer days are ahead on this Equinox day of balance. 🌲 This video was such a joy to make, albeit a lot longer process than the Imbolc video. This was m...ainly due to the adding of field recordings to the whole video to add some extra Spring ambience. I found some really great binaural rain and forest samples as well as some great immersive field recordings. To have the video scenes is one thing, but when you add field recordings, it allows for a much easier and more immersive experience. I wanted there to be an equal focus on the songs and the field recordings, which is why I decided to keep the field recordings audible during the songs in an attempt to never let the listener leave the atmosphere I was trying to create. In addition, I decided to put around 10 seconds between songs and let whatever field recording was playing to continue. By doing this, I feel it makes the video more of a Spring ambience video with music rather than a Spring music video with ambience. Anyways, if you’re still reading my nonsense, awesome!:) I hope you enjoy the video and have a great day! 🌲 *help keep the channel going:)* 🌲 Just want the Spring ambiance without the music? Then watch it here!: 🌲 Spotify Playlist of songs from the video: 🌲 0:00 Deep Sleep Music Collective- Spring Rain 1:34 Woodland- Perennial (Rise) 4:21 Empyrium- In the Gutter of This Spring 11:37 Vincent & Vonorn - Spring Equinox 16:34 Waldkauz- Ostara 20:42 Sowulo- Ostara (Acoustic) 24:47 Monastery- A Violet Vigil 27:23 Fiona- Spring Waltz 32:20 novemthree- A Celebration Of 36:04 Żywiołak- Marzanna 41:51 Grimoire- Ostara 49:54 Borg- We Welcome Spring 52:02 Skarazula - Ostara 56:33 Lisa Thiel- Ostara 1:01:28 River- Misty Stream 1:05:45 Hekate- Spring of Life 1:10:47 Old Solar- Spring Equinox: The Mountains Break Forth in Song 1:18:52 Les Discrets- The Scent of Spring !Please support these great artists! Deep Sleep Music Collective =sr_1_6?keywords=deep sleep music collective&qid=1582568854&sr=8-6 Woodland Empyrium Vincent & Vonorn Waldkauz Sowulo Monastery Fiona novemthree Żywiołak Grimoire Borg Skarazula Lisa Thiel River Hekate Old Solar Les Discrets --Video & Photo Credits-- (in order of appearance) “Happy Spring Equinox“ photo by “Rain-binaural“ recording by michieldb-nl from Freesound flowers in window video by Lisa Fotios from Pexels fog on road video by Asif Khan from Pexels “Outside a Window During Thunderstorm“ video by Elsa Luebing from Videvo “Thunder & Rain Sound Combination“ recording by freetousesounds “Robin“ video by federicomaderno from Pixabay “Okanagan“ video by extemporalist from Pixabay “Flowers“ video by MadameYavi from Pixabay “Rocky Creek in France“ video by GBouiges from Videvo “Raindrops in Super Slow Motion“ video by beachfront from Videvo “Thunder and Rain Binaural“ recording by skymary from Freesound “Apple Tree“ video by MixailMixail from Pixabay “Bullfinch“ video by jLasWilson from Pixabay “Forest Sounds Germany“ recording by freetousesounds bee in flower video by Gardenstock from Videvo “Flowering Tree“ video by Life of Vids from Videvo “Girl with Rabbits“ painting by Frederick Stuart Church- public domain “The Spring“ painting by Franz Xaver Winterhalter- public domain “Nature“ video by imihaljko from Videvo *This is a non-monetized video on a non-monetized channel* *No infringement of copyright is intended by the use of these songs, pictures or video clips as they are intended as an homage to the original creators* *Any inquiries, requests, copyrights disclaimers can contact the channel at thesylvanwanderer@
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