(87) Dip technique _ The purple flower series _ Flower garden _ No silicone _ Designer Gemma77

This is the fifth video of the purple flower series. In this work, I used the same color as the purple flower series and expressed it as an image of a flower garden from the front. The color I used ---------------------------------- Deep Violet Light Portrait Pink Deep Green Permanent Bright Aqua Green White My Paint Mixing Formula for Acrylic Pouring ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluid Acrylic : Fluid medium -1:1 A Little Water ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Liquitex Basic Acrylic : Fluid medium - 8 : 10 Water (The fluid medium I used is Elmer’s Glue-All.) * Thank you for watching. Please Subscribe and Share. #AcrylicPouring #AcrylicPainting #FluidAcrylic
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