Какая красота!!! Шикарная песня, под которую приятно танцевать!!!
Какая красота!!! Шикарная песня от Марины Житеневой из Бреста, под которую приятно танцевать!!! #ВалерийМаленок
DANCE existed and exists in the cultural traditions of all human societies. Dance - rhythmic, expressive movements, usually lined up in a certain composition and performed with musical accompaniment. The main characteristics of the dance are the rhythm - relatively fast or relatively slow repetition and variation of the basic movements; drawing - a combination of movements in the composition; dynamics - variation of the range and intensity of movements; technique - the degree of mastery of the body and skill in the performance of basic steps and positions. Dance is perhaps the most ancient of the arts: it reflects the need of a man going back to the earliest times to transfer his joy or grief to other people through his body.
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