Alessandro Stradella: Sinfonia from La forza delle stelle—La forza delle stelle | Baroque Orchestra
ALESSANDRO STRADELLA: SINFONIA FROM LA FORZA DELLE STELLE / Written in the 1660s, this sinfonia from Alessandro Stradella’s serenata La forza delle stelle is the first known concerto grosso! With short sections for a concertino made up of two Baroque violins and one Baroque cello, this lovely instrumental work makes it into the history books for being the first piece to pit a group of soloists against a larger orchestra. The striking dissonances also fit in well with the spicy and complicated life that Stradella himself led, so enjoy this live performance on period instruments of the sinfonia by the Baroque orchestra that takes its name from this piece: La forza delle stelle | Baroque Orchestra!
Sinfonia from La forza delle stelle
Alice M. Chuaqui Baldwin, Founder & Director
Lydia Becker & Susannah Foster, solo baroque violins
Charles Reed, solo baroque cello
Carmen Johnson Pájaro & Rafa Prende
1 view
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