Yeung Ching Ching | Resting stance practice / Tutorial | 楊菁菁 | 歇步練習編 /教學版

歇步 兩腿交叉靠攏 全蹲, 左腳全腳着地, 腳尖外展, 右腳前腳掌着地, 膝部貼近左腿外側, 臀部坐於右腿接近腳跟處, 兩手抱拳於腰間, 眼向左前方平視, 左腳在前為左歇步, 右腳在前為右歇步 Resting stance legs together, squat, left foot on the ground, toes straight, the front of the right foot on the ground, the knee is close to the outside of the left leg, the butom is near the heel of the right leg, the arms are wrapped around the waist, look to the left, the left foot is forwards for the left resting stance , right foot in forward for the right resting stance 要點: 挺胸、塌腰、兩腿靠攏並貼緊。 Key Points: Keep your chest out, your waist down, and your legs close together ➤拍攝場地提供: 楊菁菁武術學院 -多功能課室,提供場地租借服務 -課程包括:武術功夫、養生太極、電影動作特技、演員培訓、親子功夫、修身健美班等 課程招生中,全部小班教學,親自執教,老少皆宜 如有任何關於課程查詢,請在下回留言,我會盡快回覆,謝謝 #taichi #yeungchingching #wushu #楊菁菁 #養生 #武術太極拳 #太極
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