Swing 5: Coolest Charleston Classics

If you’ve ever seen anybody dance partnered Charleston, these are the moves that stand out: Tandem, Airplane & Hand-to-Hand Charleston. It’s fast, it’s energetic, and gives you exciting new ways of connecting with your partner. 6 full classes of our Swing 5 course (as well as all the others) are available at If you don’t have a partner or are a complete beginner - we have something for you as well ;) -- What will I learn in this course? Each of these moves will come with its own fun variations, but this checklist shows the fundamental moves you’ll learn in the class. Once you know th...ese, you’re ready to move on to the next level. - hand-to-hand charleston: basic, turn, transitions - tandem charleston: basic, pushouts, chase into tandem - airplane charleston: basic, turns -- What should I know before I join this course? Swing 5 takes you deeper into Charleston moves and rhythms, and will use the foundation and practice you gained in Swing 3. It is helpful to have the added experience and control you gained in Swing 4, but it’s possible to take Swing 4 and Swing 5 in parallel if you like. -- Click over to and sign up to this Swing 5 course as it’s available right now! Song: Lil’ Hardin Armstrong - You Shall Reap What You Sow *** Check out our amazing library of free content! *** You’ll find new moves, techniques, insights and ideas for all levels, virtually delivered right to your living room! Or, deepen your pedagogy skills and improve your fitness with dancing in mind. There’s lots to discover, so start exploring now! Click here to find out more: *** SwingStep also offers: *** - A Complete Online Lindy Hop Training from Beginner to Advanced - A Complete Online Teachers Training Program for Dancers - Local Lindy Hop lessons in: - Berlin - Heidelberg - Festivals and Events: ***Find us on Social Media***: - Instagram: - Facebook: #swingstep #lindyhop #swingdance #charleston #jazz #danceteaching #teachingdance
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