Mouth-Watering Hot and Sour Sweet Potato Noodles 令人垂涎欲滴的酸辣粉,你喜欢吗?丨小喜XiaoXi丨Pack Basket丨酸辣౴

Cold and heat come and go, Fall harvest and storing for winter people know. It’s time to harvest the sweet a Bamboo Pack Basket to fill with sweet potatoes. The sweet potato that has just been dug from the ground can be made into Sweet Potato Chips or Sweet Potato Powder for storing. It’s enough to eat until the New Year. Now! Making a meal. A bowl of Mouth-Watering Hot and Sour Sweet Potato Noodles, would you like it? 寒来暑往,秋收冬藏 又到红薯收获的季节了,编一个竹筐装满红薯 刚从地里挖来的红薯可以晒干贮藏,也可以磨成浆做家常红薯粉屯起来 这次做的足够×
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