“Cherubim Song“ by Saint Elizabeth Convent Choir

Original: “Херувимская“ (знаменный распев) хора Свято-Елисаветинского монастыря. Translation: 1st part: Son of God, accept me today as a participant of your Holy Supper. I will not give away Your sacraments to enemies, I will not kiss you like Judas did. On the contrary, like the sensible robber I will embrace you, “Remember me when You come into Your kingdom.“ 2nd part: Let any human flesh stay quiet, let it stay awestruck and trembling with no earthly thoughts as the King of kings and the Lord of lords goes to the slaughter to give Himself away as food to the faithful. The host of His a...ngels of all princedoms and dominations, multi-eyed Cherubs and six-wing Seraphs hiding their faces sing the song, “Praise God, magnify God, glorify God!“
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