Amputee Veterans At Queen Mary’s Workshop (1914-1919)

Modified WPA record. World War One; disabilities. Amputee veterans - on crutches coming out of building- sign Queen Mary’s Workshop. They learn trades - a vocational school for wounded. skills; crafts. A long line of one-legged men; a few with both legs but missing an arm; and one double leg-amputee in a wheelchair. Sad. Pan along group of the men posing; with Red Cross nurse. CU white-moustached officer and an official. Shoemaking: men working on boots. CU Man wearing apron; hammering. Another hammers sole of boot; pan to Instructor helping man. Office machines. Men sit at typewriters - man typing 1-handed. Man running an adding machine. A group of wounded veterans sit in a class; pan across; instructor; an Army man; in BG stands at blackboard writing the non-word Stickability (is that like Stick-to-it-ive-ness?) - then turns; speaks; using encouraging arm-gestures making fist etc. Playing cricket. Some of the men are hopping on their one leg Veterans learn to work on automobiles etc. Pan ac
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