Jakub Polak (Reys) Courante Polska muzyka renesansowa Polish Renaissance Music
Zdjęcie (Photo):
Wawel, Sala Turniejowa (Cracow, Royal Castle, The Tournament Hall)
Jakub Polak (fr. Jacques le Polonais) (ur. ok. 1545 w Augustowie(?) – zm. ok. 1605 w Paryżu) – polski lutnista i kompozytor.
W młodości wyjechał na stałe do Francji. Działał głównie w Paryżu, dokąd w 1574 przybył z orszakiem króla Henryka III Walezego z Polski, w 1588 uzyskał tytuł lutnisty królewskiego (fr. joueur de luth de Roi). Od 1593 prowadził szkołę gry na lutni w Tours.
Skomponował ponad 60 utworów na lutnię: 21 fantazji, 15 preludiów, tańce: 7 kurantów, 4 galiardy, 8 wolt, branle, sarabandę i balet. Jest też autorem dwóch lutniowych opracowań pieśni: Susanne un jour i Une jeune fillette.
Większość jego dzieł można znaleźć w rękopiśmiennej tabulaturze lutniowej z pierwszej połowy XVII wieku tzw. Tabulaturze lorda Herberta of Cherbury. Niektóre jego utwory wydane zostały drukiem w kilku popularnych zbiorach muzyki lutniowej: Jeana Baptiste Besarda Thesaurus harmonicus (Kolonia 1603), Roberta Dowlanda Varietie of lute-lessons (Londyn 1610), Joachima van den Hove Delitiae musicae (Utrecht 1612), Georga Leopolda Fuhrmanna Testudo gallo-germanica (Norymberga 1615) i Jeana Baptista Besarda Novus partus (Augsburg 1617).
Był wybitnym wirtuozem gry na lutni. (wikipedia)
Jakub Polak (c. 1545 - c. 1605), also known as Jakub Reys (Reis, de Rais, de Reiz, de Restz, de Retz, du Retz)[1] and Jacques le Polonois, was a Polish lutenist and composer. He was notable for his service as court lutenist to Henry III of Poland and France.[2] Initially Polak served as one of the court musicians at Kraków, and after Henry III fled Poland, Polak joined him in Paris in 1574. He was an author of several lute compositions, most notably preludies, fantasies, dances and several chansons. During his lifetime he was renowned for his lute improvisations. (wikipedia)
Jakub Reys, also known as “Jacques le Polonais“ or “Jakub Polak“, was born in Poland around 1540. He was a lute-player and composer who was active mainly in France. He must have been a very skilled performer, because the works that were written by him are full of technical difficulties which he himself seems to have managed quite well. Also as a composer he was a man who followed new ideas - the at that time emergent major-minor tonal system, strong harmonic considerations, dissonances through suspensions and retardations and the like. Especially admired were his galliards (four of which still survive) which show already the main construction principle that should be the leading one for the two coming centuries: in the major keys, modulation to the dominant, and in the minor keys, modulation to the relative major. Amongst other dance forms we know also of one sarabande by Reys, which consists of a tehme and seven variations - this piece is of special interest because it shows the earliest occurrence of said dance on French ground. Apart from his lute works he may also have been the person who made a few keyboard intabulations, however, this cannot be claimed with certainty nowadays, as we have too little evidence of historical facts in connection with a piece by Gabrieli that was intabulated in 1605 and is signed “Jakob“. Reys died in Paris around 1605. ()
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Polska muzyka filmowa (Polish Film Music)
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