From Wikipedia:
Freikorps were irregular German and other European military volunteer units, or paramilitary, that existed from the 18th to the early 20th centuries. They effectively fought as mercenaries or private military companies, regardless of their own nationality. In German-speaking countries, the first so-called Freikorps (“free regiments“, Freie Regimenter) were formed in the 18th century from native volunteers, enemy renegades, and deserters. These, sometimes exotically equipped, units served as infantry and cavalry (or, more rarely, as artillery); sometimes in just company strength and sometimes in formations of up to several thousand strong. There were also various mixed formations or legions. The Prussian von Kleist Freikorps included infantry, jäger, dragoons and hussars. The French Volontaires de Saxe combined uhlans and dragoons.
In the aftermath of World War I and during the German Revolution of 1918–19, Freikorps consisting largely of World War I veterans were raised as paramilitary militias. They were ostensibly mustered to fight on behalf of the government against the Soviet-backed German communists attempting to overthrow the Weimar Republic.
This compilation is dedicated to the post WW1 Freikorps soldiers, but also contains some songs from WW1 itself that were also sung by the Freikorps after the war as well as a small fraction of more modern songs that fit in the spirit of these songs. And yep also the topic of Landsknechte experienced a revival in these times. I put the most iconic song “Freikorps voran“ at the beginning and then ordered them alphabetically. Und doch!
0:00 - Freikorps voran
2:08 - Auf baltischer Wacht
6:10 - Das Freiheitskorps
8:18 - Der Tod in Flandern
11:24 - Der Tod stöhnt in den kurischen Wäldern
13:55 - Die Grenzwacht hielt im Osten
17:20 - Die letzte Kompanie/ Die graue Kompanie
19:53 - Die Speere empor
21:47 - Durchs Gebirge, durch die Steppe
25:35 - Ein Landsknecht bin ich von Natur
27:18 - Mit Eisen im Herzen
30:44 - Es klappert der Huf am Stege
32:51 - Für Deutschland Kamerad
34:27 - Lasst wehn die schwarze Fahne
37:00 - Lied des Freikorps Epp
37:42 - Nach Nordland
39:57 - Nach Ostland geht der Ritt
42:44 - Nachts steht Hunger starr in unserm Traum
45:25 - Ostlandlied
48:14 - Ritt am Morgen (feindwärts knattert die Fahne)
50:34 - So ziehn wir unter fremder Fahne / Lied der Eisernen Division
52:48 - Treu bis zur letzten Stunde
55:35 - Und haben wir im Ranzen
57:38 - Was gehn euch meine Lumpen an
59:25 - Wenn der Marsch nach Osten geht
1:02:12 - Wir sind die letzten die am Feind geblieben (Baltenkämpferlied)
1:03:17 - Wir traben ins rote Turnei
1:04:28 - Wo tausend Krieger fielen
1:07:01 - Zu Ende ist das frohe Wandern
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