Keto Gluten-Free Burger Buns

INGREDIENTS ½ cup ½ tablespoon (60g) coconut flour ¼ cup (30g) psyllium husk powder* 3 teaspoons (10g) instant dry yeast (not active dry yeast) ¼ teaspoon (1g) salt 6 large egg whites at room temperature 3 tablespoons (35g) powdered erythritol ⅔ cup (158mL) lukewarm water egg wash sesame seeds -Let the buns rest for 45 mins in a warm location. -Bake at 330°F (166°C) for 40-50 minutes. ** I let my buns rest inside my oven with the lights on. ** I used whole psyllium husk and blitz it using my magic bullet to powder it. Yields 6-8 pieces (macros per piece) NET CARBS: FIBER: PROTEIN: FAT: CALORIES: 57 *Whole Psyllium Husk: *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. NOTE: For best results, I highly recommend using the metric/gram measurements (using a digital scale), rather than the standard/cup measurements.
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