#OmaliTaughtMe Sunday Study: Turning the World Right Side Up - Build the Anti-colonial Free Speec…

Today’s study is themed: Turning the World Right Side Up - Build the Anti-Colonial Free Speech Movement, in light of the historic coalition building process that has been launched by the Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Counteroffensive campaign. This coalition calls on the broad support that this Movement has received prior to and following the July 29, 2022 FBI raids and U.S. government attack on the Uhuru Movement and the African Nation. We’ll discuss the significance of forming this coalition, and also deepen the significance of its anti-colonial character. Joining us today is the Hands Off Uhuru Campaign Chair, Mwezi Odom, the fierce African woman taking the HOU demand around the world. She’ll provide our listeners with the events that took place that launched this coalition, and speak on where the coalition is going. And we’ll of course be joined by Chairman Omali Yeshitela, who will deepen this discussion for us. Bring Chairman Omali Yeshitela to the Nor
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