Ka-50 ✈ Black Shark 2 Republic Campaign #11│ RESCUE

I just landed but new task was already awaiting me. When Kite’s group was returning they were spotted. After so many losses the enemy is getting desperate and they will rip them to pieces. They blocked Kite’s group near Djolevi. Our men are defending in the abandoned house on the slope. They won’t be surrounded because the mountain would prohibit that, but still they won’t be able to get away as they’ve been blocked from all the other directions. Also the enemy can get reinforcements though it will take some time as they’ll have to go around the ridge. We have to get there first. I will go there along with Mi-8. My job will be to get there ASAP and clear the landing area for Mi-8. While our guys are boarding it I will need to provide cover and ensure no surprises happen. I need to hurry, Kite reports they already have wounded. CÍL MISE: Take off from “Gali“ (FARP Otkrytka). Fly towards objective “Search”. Get ahead of Mi-8 and upon approach to the objective establish contact with
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