Hey everyone, some of you know that I am taking part in Roccat movie contest. So here is my entry. I am kinda late and I was running out of time because I under-estimated Mister Time, so I wasn’t able to put all the stuff I wanted to as well. But anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy it. I want to thank Reaver for his huge contribution to the movie (3D and real life stuff). Be lenient, it’s the first time he’s making 3D. Other special thanks : Sunny Pictures, pokz, fAXzU, Luffy, Delli, SuperPingouin, MOnstR, Zorka Players : aLucard, BeanZoR, devzej, fAXzU, felix, HAjjii, inzR, juicy, Kingstone, MisteRy, N0ctis, pokz, Reaver, showTek, smashz, snzy, theo, xolez, yaMi Songs used (by artists from MrTweeday’s list) : Deprogrammed - Stript Subkulture - Erasus feat. Klayton of Celldweller (Voicians Remix) Software : Adobe After Effects CS4 Sony Vegas 9 Boujou 5 VirtualDub Xfire : archlus I don’t share any cfg/sky sorry. DOWNLOAD L
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