Simple Naïve Solutions for Serious Complex Problems | TGT 146

Recycling, paper straws, obesity shots, political elections, adding additional lanes to freeways—these might all be labeled as ’simple’ solutions, yet the problems themselves are far more complex. This may not be news to some, but the naïveté that many of the challenges we face today can be fixed with ’band-aid’ solutions is widespread. So, if these problems are so intricate, is it even worth attempting to solve them? What would it take for us to actually address even the seemingly simple issues we confront today, and what would be the first step toward that? Join us this Thursday at 2 pm EST! ►Subscribe to the Kabbalahinfo YouTube channel: ►To learn more about Kabbalah join a free online course at KabU This course is a journey into understanding life and how all its pieces come together. It aims to give you genuine, scientific answers to all the questions you’ve ever had about life, and most importantly, what you can do about it. Also, it aims to give you tools to upgrade the way you think about and perceive reality, essential knowledge about your nature and how to restore its purpose, and help you attain self-realization. — Follow : Official Website ► Facebook ► Twitter ► Instagram ► Pinterest ► Tumblr ► #kabbalahinfo
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