Against Naïve Universalism: Towards a New Morality

Against Naïve Universalism, towards a New Morality Between facile relativism (or moral nihilism) and naïve universalism Morality is not arbitrary, yet also not straightforwardly derivable from first principles Morality is a collective project of construction Human nature, common interest Simple in principle, yet tremendously complex in practice Critical Genealogical Project New Modes and Orders, New Modes of Subjectification (Foucault) (thumbnail: Prometheus Bound by Thomas Cole (1847) Alexander Koryagin, 2023 === Introduction to Political Philosophy Course by Alexander Koryagin: My Philosophy & Methodology of the Natural & the Social Sciences playlist: === My Telegram: My Discord: #philosophy #naturalism #selfcare #socrates #plato #buddha #aristotle #politicalphilosophy #philosophyofscience #pedagogy #education #philosophyofeducation #politicalphilosophy #philosophyofscience #historyofphilosophy #socialtheory
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