Hiit 40 min full body workout / Tabata 40 10

Workout full body no equipment low impact 40 minutes / 48 rounds 40 sec active / 10 sec rest House , electronic music Tabata hiit interval training 40 10 DOING THIS WARM UP BEFORE : Program: In&out legs Swim Crunch left right middle Spider plank Push-up lateral toe touch Lunge up&down Lunge up&down Diamond push-up to lateral plank Squat to skater same side Squat to skater same side Crunch one two Diamond easy burpee Lateral plank Lateral plank Total crunch Twist squat Take your hands off and wide push-up Mountain climber Lateral toe touch Skydive plank Push-ups Jumping jack Sum...o squats Jump in place In&out legs Swim Crunch left right middle Spider plank Push-up lateral toe touch Lunge up&down Lunge up&down Diamond push-up to lateral plank Squat to skater same side Squat to skater same side C
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