Hypervelocity Impact (Simulation vs Experiment)

Hyper velocity impact using SPH-FEM coupled method. Benchmarking the work of Plassard et al (2011), Hypervelocity Impact of Aluminium sphere against aluminium plate. A 3-mm-diameter travelling at a velocity over 4000 m/s hitting a 2 mm thick plate. Johnson Cook plasticity model was used for both plate and projectile. The same material properties were used for both. However, in the experiment, two different aluminium grades where used for the plate and projectile. This causes a slight difference in the results. The plate is not fixed, but due to the hyper velocity, we see it only barely moving in this video. The real duration of each clip is only 2 ms! Reference: Plassard, F., J. Mespoulet, and P. Hereil. “Hypervelocity impact of aluminium sphere against aluminium plate: experiment and LS-DYNA correlation.“ Proceedings of the 8th European LSDYNA Conference. 2011.
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