Sensei’s Secret Lover Exposed?! [Blue Archive Comic]

An important Gematria meeting is underway, as members delve into discussions of utmost importance and urgency. Yet, as always, Beatrice ruins the mood with her nonsensical remarks about Sensei. However this time, she could not have foreseen the consequences that were to come... Original Translation: Artist Socials: Original Source: BGM: ブルーアーカイブ Blue Archive OST 130. Foolish Days ブルーアーカイブ Blue Archive OST 7. Unwelcome School ブルーアーカイブ Blue Archive OST 119. Blood Stained Faith Lovely Planet - Lovely City [I voice acted this myself using an A.I voice changer so I could fulfill all roles properly] Black Suit - Alejandro Saab Beatrice - Amber May Maestro - Daman Mills Galconde - Kevan Brighting Mikarilla - a gorilla I found in my backyard Store Owner - a person I know pretty well Thank you to Ronoa__, imaddict, __june and dolyfin for providing the voice models for free. This video will not be monetized to respect the artist’s original work. If there are any problems please contact me via email in my about me page. #ブルーアーカイブ #bluearchiveglobal #블루아카이브
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