Wuji I-Lik Chuan Montage

Malaysia Wuji I-Lik Chuan 無極意力拳 Montage video by Grandmaster Jimmy Heow When Master Jimmy first started, training was actually harder when compared to the later years. The system Fung Yang Xing Yi Quan (凤阳形意拳) and Ru Yi Bagua (如意八卦) taught them not to give their opponents any chance when their hands are touched, with the saying “Once touch, either stick to the opponent’s hands, guarding him closely, or issue energy to throw the person off.” Today, the training is softer and based on physical sensitivity and sensory awareness, without thinking of any technique when dealing with situations. It is an art of unifying the mind and body of an individual. There are a set of basic movements and only two forms in the system to cultivate ‘chi’ and for health preservation. Other than that, the students practice sticky or spinning hands for sensitivity and applications. Master Jimmy Heow stressed
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