Bhagawan’s Own Composition | Teliyaga Tarama Narulu Kanugona Vasama | Sai Darshan 339
Lyrics of this song composed by Bhagawan:
Teliyaga Tarama Narulu Kanugona Vashama
Parama Taponidhulakaina Brahmakunaina
Teliyaga Tarama Narulu Kanugona Vashama
Nee Mahima Teliyakendaro Ee Mayalo Badiri
Nee Marugu Jochinatti Janulu Mahimalu Ganiri
Nee Marmaleela Kanugona Maanavulaku Vashamaa
Teliyaga Tarama Narulu Kanugona Vashama
Sharanu Jochinatti Janula Sannidhi Jerthu Nee Sannidhi Jerthu
Garvinchinatti Janulanu Nee Kaalanu Drotu Nee Kaalanu Rotu
Sri Sai Hare Sri Sai Hare Namasmarana Dalachina Chaalu
Teliyaga Tarama Narulu Kanugona Vashama
Is it possible to know (You), can humans comprehend (You)
be they sages or Lord Brahma Himself,
Is it possible to know (You), can humans comprehend (You)
Unable to fathom Your glory many have been trapped in Maya
Those who surrender to You, experience Your Divinity.
Is it ever possible for humans to unravel the secrets of Your Divine acts (Leelas)?
Is it possible to know (You), can humans comprehend (You)
To those who have come to You as the last resort, You have rescued them.
The ones who have been egoistic, have been left behind.
Therefore, remember the Lord’s name.
Glory to Sai! Glory to Sai!
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