Morning and Evening Āratī with text and translation

If you have videos that you want to share with the community, send them to this email: thegurusgracehouse@ Vimeo: Facebook: This video is from the Neon Lizards Vimeo channel. This is the description of the video on his channel: Baba compiled and arranged a selection of ancient hymns and composed original verses for this prayer honoring Bhagawan Nityananda and our Siddha lineage. “To perform āratī to the Guru is to perform the noblest sacrifice, the highest worship and the deepest meditation, provided that one understands the true meaning of the āratī. To perform āratī to the Guru, to worship him, to honor him, is in fact, to perform āratī to one’s own Self, to worship and honor one’s own Self.“ Satsang with Baba Vol. 1 This āratī recording was made in the late 70’s at Gurudev Siddha Peeth, Ganeshpuri and is now out-of print. Images were donated from the private collections of Baba’s devotees. Om Namah Shivaya. With great respect and love I offer these videos to my beloved Gurumayi, Baba and BadeBaba.
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