Arduino VGA PC running BASIC

8-bit PC done with two Arduino, running BASIC and generating the output for a VGA monitor. The first Arduino is the “master“, where TinyBasic Plus and PS2 keyboard library are uploaded, while the second is used as a graphic display. This runs the VGAx library, which allows the generation of a 4 colour, 10 rows x 24 columns of ASCII caracters. Arduino I/O can be directly driven by the BASIC: as shown in this video, a LED blinking is driven by a few program lines. The BASIC code can be saved on the EEPROM too. This project can also be used to print simple text messages on a VGA display. More details are available in the following Instructables: Acknowledgements to: Sandro Maffiodo aka SMAFFER for the VGAx library: TinyBasic Plus authors: - Tiny Basic 68k - Gordon Brandly - Arduino Basic / Tiny Basic C - Michael Field - Tiny Basic Plus - Scott Lawrence “djsadeepa“ for his Instractables on the PS2 keyboard connection:
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