Ascot Report (1954)

Ascot. LV four fashionable women walking towards camera with man in top hat. GV Ascot and racing scenes. SCU woman looking through binoculars wearing Norman Hartnell fashion, pan down to dress being opened. SCU girl wearing large brimmed hat (Hartnell). Side view, girl wearing white dress, pan down. CU girl wearing white hat and looking at race-card. LV crowds at Ascot. GV crowds and racecourse from stand. Side view, horses assembling at starting gate, & SCU. LV start of the race, pan to back view, horses racing down course. CU men looking through binoculars. GV race down course, zoom in, follow horses. No 2, King of Tudors, takes the lead and races towards camera. No 2 in the lead. No 9, Chivalry, coming up and races. Camera pan to back shot of passing the winning post. Chivalry wins. GV paddock, horses parading. CU Queen walking past camera with Queen Mother. CU No 3, Silex the Second, in paddock. SCU four jockeys. SCU Princess Margaret walking towards Queen Mother who is talking to jockey. SCU Sir
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