Kibbeh Recipe | how to make Stuffed Meatballs | Kibbeh with Meat and Chickpeas

It is a dish made by making fine bulgur into a dough and filling it. Originally belonging to the Levant cuisine, this dish is also called kibbeh and in some regions, stuffed meatballs. ingredients 1 kilogram beef 1 kilogram of onion some liquid sunflower oil 400 grams of boiled chickpeas ground red pepper, cumin, black pepper pepper paste chopped parsley salt, sugar and garlic ingredients to make the outer dough, 900 grams of fine bulgur 1200 grams of water a spoonful of tomato and pepper paste 200 grams of flour 15 grams of salt a large steel tray is used for kneading The main ingredient of the dough of the stuffed meatballs is the fine meatball bulgur. In order to give the bulra meatball shape, it is necessary to have a soft consistency. At the same time the dough must be sticky The ingredients to keep the bulgur are lean ground beef, boiled potatoes, egg whites and flour. These ingredients are used in local recipes in different ways. In some r
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