OEEC representatives arrive in Paris (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Sir Stafford Cripps and other diplomats discuss Marshall Plan in France Full Description: FRANCE: Paris: EXT CRIPPS Arrives for discussion by Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. With M. Spaak for Belgium and Averil Harriman for . European Conference in Paris At Paris meeting place of European Economic Co-operation Sir Cripps, Harriman and Spaak seen arriving for discussion MR AVERILL HARRIMAN Seen getting out of car and arriving for Organisation for European Economic Co-operation at Paris SPAAK Arriving for Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. Seen talking on veranda afterwards Personalities - Politicians; France CRIPPS, Sir Richard Stafford (1889-1952) SPAAK, Paul Henri Charles (1899-1972) HARRIMAN, William Averell, American statesman (1891-1986) Marshall Plan, reporters, cameras, speed Graflex, meeting
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