“Handel’s Messiah in Grace Cathedral“ (complete) • Beautiful HD • American Bach Soloists

• PLEASE SUBSCRIBE • Thank you! • AMERICAN BACH SOLOISTS • AMERICAN BACH CHOIR Jeffrey Thomas, conductor Mary Wilson, soprano Eric Jurenas, countertenor Kyle Stegall, tenor Jesse Blumberg, baritone John Thiessen, trumpet Full Roster: 0:00:00 Opening Credits PART ONE (0:01:30) 0:01:31 SINFONY SCENE I 0:05:05 Recitative, accompanied - Tenor - Comfort ye, my people 0:08:06 Aria - Tenor - Ev’ry Valley shall be exalted 0:11:29 Chorus - And the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed SCENE II 0:14:26 Recitative, accompanied - Bass - Thus saith the Lord of Hosts 0:15:45 Aria – Alto - But who may... abide the Day of his coming? 0:19:45 Chorus - And he shall purify the Sons of Levi SCENE III 0:22:26 Recitative - Alto - Behold, a Virgin shall conceive 0:22:53 Aria - Alto & Chorus - O thou that tellest good Tidings to Zion 0:28:11 Recitative, accompanied - Bass - For behold, Darkness shall cover the Earth 0:29:56 Aria - Bass - The People that walked in Darkness have seen a great Light 0:33:21 Chorus - For unto us a Child is born SCENE IV 0:37:26 Pifa (“Pastoral Symphony”) 0:38:25 Recitative - Soprano - There were Shepherds abiding in the Field 0:38:39 Arioso - Soprano - And lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them 0:38:59 Recitative - Soprano - And the Angel said unto them, Fear not 0:39:45 Recitative, accompanied - Soprano - And suddenly there was with the Angel a Multitude of the heav’nly Host 0:40:03 Chorus - Glory to God in the Highest SCENE V 0:42:19 Aria - Soprano - Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Sion 0:47:12 Recitative - Alto - Then shall the Eyes of the Blind be open’d 0:47:48 Duet – Alto & Soprano - He shall feed his Flock like a shepherd 0:53:32 Chorus - His Yoke is easy, his Burthen is light PART TWO (0:55:46) SCENE I 0:55:55 Chorus - Behold the Lamb of God 0:59:01 Aria - Alto - He was despised and rejected of Men 1:09:17 Chorus - Surely he hath borne our Griefs 1:10:58 Chorus - And with His Stripes we are healed 1:12:48 Chorus - All we, like Sheep, have gone astray 1:16:31 Recitative, accompanied - Tenor - All they that see him laugh him to scorn 1:17:14 Chorus - He trusted in God 1:19:28 Recitative, accompanied - Tenor - Thy Rebuke hath broken his Heart 1:21:23 Aria - Tenor - Behold, and see SCENE II 1:22:51 Recitative, accompanied - Soprano - He was cut off out of the Land of the Living 1:23:13 Aria - Soprano - But Thou didst not leave his Soul in Hell SCENE III 1:25:59 Chorus - Lift up your Heads SCENE IV 1:28:56 Recitative - Tenor - Unto which of the Angels said He at any time 1:29:13 Chorus - Let all the Angels of God worship Him SCENE V 1:30:49 Aria - Alto - Thou art gone up on High 1:33:52 Chorus - The Lord gave the Word 1:35:03 Aria - Soprano - How beautiful are the Feet of them that preach the gospel of peace 1:37:26 Chorus - Their Sound is gone out into all Lands SCENE VI 1:38:53 Aria - Bass - Why do the Nations so furiously rage together? 1:40:18 Chorus - Let us break their Bonds asunder SCENE VII 1:42:12 Recitative - Tenor - He that dwelleth in Heaven shall laugh them to scorn 1:42:27 Aria - Tenor - Thou shalt break them with a Rod of Iron 1:44:33 Chorus - Hallelujah! PART THREE (1:48:11) SCENE I 1:48:23 Aria - Soprano - I know that my Redeemer liveth 1:55:27 Chorus - Since by Man came Death, by Man came also the Resurrection of the Dead SCENE II 1:57:25 Recitative, accompanied - Bass - Behold, I tell you a Mystery 1:57:59 Aria - Bass - The trumpet shall sound SCENE III 2:06:40 Recitative - Alto - Then shall be brought to pass the Saying that is written 2:07:00 Duet - Alto and Tenor - O Death, where is thy Sting? 2:08:08 Chorus - But Thanks be to God 2:10:50 Aria - Alto - If God is for us, who can be against us? SCENE IV 2:15:21 Chorus - Worthy is the Lamb that was slain 2:18:39 Chorus - Amen. 2:23:02 CREDITS 1753 Foundling Hospital Version () Filmed in San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral Audio Recording: More about the Film: Full Production Credits: Please support American Bach Soloists:
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