#villasavoye #paris #modernistarchitecture #lecorbusier #modernism Le CORBUSIER - Villa SAVOYE

Join my PAGE on Facebook: Join my GROUP too: #!/groups/ Le CORBUSIER - (1931) - Villa SAVOYE (Poissy, France) Suspended on top of a hill and surrounded by tall trees, Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier [] is realized between 1928 and 1931 as a summer residence for Savoye Family. Although this is a suburban patrician villa here the architect tackles the issue, developed in previous projects of low-cost housing, housing as a “machine à habiter“ , perfect working order. The Villa looks like a huge white box supported by slender concrete stilts that allow you to have the ground floor occupied by the volume of service and partly open to car traffic, while the two upper levels are broken down according to internal movement people. The result is an architectural promenade through simple and austere forms, in line with the principles of Purism, that Le Corbusier had deepe
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