窗玲珑 & C-XFX Original Birthday Song for Xiao Zhan “Armour“ 《铠甲》|肖战粉丝原创生贺曲(2023)

《铠甲》|肖战粉丝原创生贺曲(2023)“Armour“ |C-XFX Original Birthday Song for Xiao Zhan 岁月落墨,铠甲为笔,书写踏浪逐梦新脉搏,祝我们所爱的肖战生日快乐!靖哥哥,我们在等你哦,你身披铠甲守护一城的模样很酷! Time has fallen and the armour is the pen, writing the new pulse surfing the waves and chasing dreams. Happy birthday to our beloved Xiao Zhan! Brother Jing, we are waiting for you. You look very cool wearing armour and guarding the city! [From weibo] 词曲 Lyrics &am
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