Shigeo Katsu about NU transformation, online education & alumni
Our today’s long-awaited guest is Mr. Shigeo Katsu, President of Nazarbayev University.
Mr. Katsu told us how he evaluates the results of first decade of NU’s work, names NU’s biggest challenges during the pandemic, and shares his principles of people management and continuous improvement. We also learned how NU plans to be sustainable in the future and what ecosystem is being formed right now. Mr. Katsu highlighted the role of Alumni in NU’s future progress and future ways of our further interaction.
IMPORTANT: we held this interview in April. Some information regarding next academic year may be outdated.
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00:00 - Intro
00:23 - How NU changed during the pandemic
04:40 - Is the future of NU online? Social life?
08:36 - NU Culture
12:25 - How NU will change Ka
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