How NASA Engineers Use Origami To Design Future Spacecraft
Update: Both the thumbnail and the footage seen at 1:05 used in this video are from the Compliant Mechanisms Research group (CMR) at Brigham Young University. We apologize for not citing this correctly originally.
NASA is using origami to build a giant star blocker, in hopes of imaging distant worlds.
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What Looks Good on Paper May Look Good In Space
“Origami, the Japanese tradition of paper-folding, has inspired a number of unique spacecraft designs here. It’s little wonder that it fascinates NASA engineers: origami can seem deceptively simple, hiding complex math within its creases.”
Nasa needs you: space agency to crowdsource origami designs for shield
“In the search for ways to efficiently pack a radiation shield to protect manned spacecraft on deep space missions, Nasa is looking to the public for help.”
A Fold Apart: A NASA Physicist Turned Origami Artist
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