How did Apollo deal with the Van Allen radiation belts ?

One of the most hotly contested procedures during the Apollo missions was the how NASA dealt with the issue of the Van Allen belts, the naturally occurring belts of radiation that surround the earth, both on the journey to the moon and returning from it. Patreon : : You can now translate this and other curious droid videos, see my video about it here To some this just proves the point that NASA never went to the moon because they contest that if the crew went through the Van Allen belts they would have received a lethal dose of radiation and died during or shortly afterwards but as we know that didn’t happen, so how did they achieve this. Mention word “radiation” and most people will think of X-rays and the atom bomb, Hiroshima, Chernobyl and therefore associate it with bad things. Yes, you do need thick lead shielding against high-intensity X-rays but the radiation in the Van Allen belts is not X-rays, its charged particles. There are two main types of radiation, the first is electromagnetic waves. This covers everything from the radio waves, through microwaves, infrared which we feel as heat, visible light on through ultraviolet, X-rays to Gamma rays, that is the electromagnetic spectrum. The second type of radiation is charged particles, these are the component parts of atoms such as protons, neutrons and electrons which have been broken apart by nuclear reactions or extreme heat as in the sun. Title: Adam Are You Free? Author: P C III Source: Nightingale sounds from Gerry Gutteridge License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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