The mind of a German Shepherd, the beauty of the Bernese Mountain Dog, the rich coat of a collie, the kindness of a retriever - all these qualities are wonderfully embodied in one breed. The Australian Shepherd has absorbed all the best that is in the fact that these dogs are called Australian Shepherds, the origin of the breed is the United States. It was there that they began to breed unusually intelligent and obedient herding dogs. Australian Shepherds or Aussies are ideal companions. They are beautiful, smart and hardy. The expressive look and thick coat with an unusual color immediately
...attract attention. This dog is happy to serve a person, helps on a farm, can be a nanny for a child, a guide or a lifeguard. (Ум немецкой овчарки, красота бернского зенненхунда, богатая шерсть колли, доброта ретривера — все эти качества удивительным образом воплотились в одной породе. Австралийская овчарка вобрала в себя все лучшее, что есть в собаках
Несмотря на то, что этих собак называют австралийскимиShow more