Karlheinz Stockhausen - Musik im Bauch (Music in the Belly)

for 6 percussionists and music boxes Stockhausen dreamed Musik im Bauch in 1974, seven years after coining the phrase during a memorable evening with his daughter Julika, when she was two years old. All of a sudden, she had all sorts of noises in her insides, and he joked with her, “You have music in your belly!“ The phrase prompted the toddler to erupt in laughter, throwing her arms in the air and endlessly repeating “Music in the belly!“ Her laughing fit lasted so long that Stockhausen became concerned about her. She only gradually stopped laughing after he put her in bed, where she kept repeating the phrase and giggling as she fell asleep MUSIK IM BAUCH is probably one of Stockhausen’s more “ritualistic“ works, with movement, costumes and props, but no vocal libretto. Vinyl condition: fair Flac level 8, 96kHz 24bit
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